Fynshoved (the north easternmost tip of Funen)

Splendid and dramatic scenery with a multitude of different landscapes, such as curved spits, steep cliffs, isthmuses, tongues of land, lagoons and diked-in land. Enjoy the perfect view from the cliffs of Baesbanke overlooking the entire peninsula where ice-age drumlins have been laid bare by wind and weather. If you are lucky, you might catch sight of porpoises.

Mårhøj passage tomb

Constructed around 3300 B.C, the biggest passage-tomb in the island of Funen. It is well preserved and beautifully situated on top of a natural mound. Bring a torch or candle, as you are welcome to enter the tumulus.


Fjord & Bælt

A combined tourist attraction and research institution focusing on our magical sea. An experience centre for children and adults. The only place in the world where you can experience the world’s smallest whale, the porpoise, frolic and do tricks just like its cousin the dolphin does in dolphinariums around the world.


Johannes Larsen Museum

The most beautiful artist’s home in Denmark built not only as an artistic framework by Johannes and Alhed Larsen, but also meant to be a hospitable gathering place that left its mark on Danish art and culture for several decades. It was a haven to particularly the so-called Funen Painters, who often depicted the beautiful scenery of Fynshoved.


Viking Museum Ladby

Visit Denmark’s only Viking ship grave, which was found in 1935. The Ladby ship dates back to around 925.


Regional Museum Hindsholm

The museum is housed in the old school of Martofte, and besides collections of prehistoric finds and stuffed birds it displays a major culture-historical collection.

The founder, Charles Nielsen, was a local farm worker and labourer who left an immense collection of tools and objects representing the early 20th century.

Stubberup Church

Also called The White Virgin, can be seen from wide and far. The church tower is open to visitors all year round (although the shutters may be closed). Climb the steep stairs to enjoy the fabulous view of the peninsula and look across the Belt to Røsnæs on the island of Zealand.

Solvognen Gallery

Solvognen is a centre of arts and philosophy. From April to September the centre opens its art gallery at Langø. Open Saturdays and Sundays.

Island of Romsø

Øen er ikke en turistattraktion som man betragter og oplever ”udefra”. Tværtimod – Romsø vil, hvis man er ”modtagelig” påvirke mentalt og sætte sindet i bevægelse. Der er så mange steder man kan blive underholdt og få en engangsoplevelse. Sådan er det ikke på Romsø. Der sker i princippet ingenting – der er ingen badestrand, ingen kaffe, is og pølser, ingen offentlige toiletter, flisebelægninger eller service. Men autenticiteten og uforstyrretheden er enestående. Tiden bliver sådan en forunderlig ubetydelig størrelse, når man, sat af for en dag, befinder sig i et jordisk paradis. Efterladt til “væren” … i fælles flok med en bestand af 200 dådyr og snoge der befolker øens skove og søer.

Viby Old Mill

The scenic and well-preserved village of Viby with a multitude of preserved houses also boasts one of Denmark’s biggest and best-preserved Dutch windmills built in 1873 and thoroughly renovated in the 1980’s.

Open to the public on Sundays in June, July and August. Private tours available on request.

Road Crucifix

Crucifix erected in 1941 close to the church of Stubberup. Every year at Easter, a group of pilgrims will pass by the crucifix on their way to Odense.


The narrow gap between Kattegat and Odense Fjord is the only entrance to the Lindø Terminal and Harbour of Odense. The gap is only 400 metres wide and the fairway about 170 m. Currents are always very strong and with the changing of the tides and with strong winds the seas become heavy. Ideal for fishing.